Glorietta Golf Club
Explore the lush flora, twisting fairways, and scenic river shots of our own "fantasy" Augusta-like course, Glorietta Golf Club. Players might lose themselves in the beauty of the foliage surrounding each hole, but make no mistake - the greens are unforgiving and the river as dangerous as any water hazard imaginable.
Now available for FSX Play:
- This course is available for both FSX 2020 and FSX Play. Upon purchase, you will be able to download both course versions. *FSX Play Software is sold separately.
- If you already own this course for FSX 2020, you can download the FSX Play version here.
Operating Requirements
- GC2, GC3, GCQuad, GCHawk, or Falcon launch monitors
- FSX 2020 Game Software or FSX Play Game Software
PC operating Windows 10 or higher
Purchasing & Download Details:
After purchase, this course will be immediately available for download and installation. Please note that a licensing code is required for activation, and will be provided via email shortly after purchase.
Note: All sales are final